Public and Community
Available for lectures, workshops, and presentations Connect / Collaborate @ email: JuliannWang.Art@gmail.com
This discussion explores the art practice of Juliann Wang in her explorations of relationships, most notably that of our place as part of the natural world. In the framework of Anderson Japanese Garden, we explore the motivation behind perceptual uses of aesthetics, the juxtaposition of East and West, and how creating space physically and contextually nurtures intention. Ms. Wang will share insights on her methods of experiencing, that allow her creation to embrace the unpredictable nature of things to uncover moments of joy in celebrating the intrinsic beauty of life.
The lecture runs 60 minutes at Anderson Japanese Garden
2022 Lecture Presentation | Oriental Aesthetics: Time • Space • Latitude
Juliann Wang presents Pause in Time at May 13 High Concept Labs Open Labs. This is the second in-progress performance in her ongoing project series of participatory events, incorporating a hybrid use of sound, movement, and visual elements focused on inducing calm and peace in individuals.
Pause in Time runs 90 minutes and takes place in four parts
间: Free engagement with the space
乐: Interpretive sound, chant, and meditation
茶: Social gathering over tea
庆: Cultural game that anyone can play, followed by open conversation with Juliann
“Through these activities and dialog we can seek to relate to each other, and to all the elements of one’s environment, with directness, immediacy, and profound appreciation, and, in the moment, find the ‘life beauty’, which is ever-happening, once again.”—Juliann Wang
2022 Open Labs: Pause in Time
Open Labs May 16, 2022 | Photo Credit: Grace Pisula, 2022, Pause in Time
The beginning of Spring is the beginning of all things and rebirth, which means that a new year has come. February 4th is the first day of Spring in this year’s Lunar calendar, with 15 days of celebration in Chinese tradition. This event is meditative, fun, and comprises 4 parts:
春: Transform space to create an engaging atmosphere
乐: Interpretive sound, chant, and meditation
茶: Tea creates a social gathering and lets us focus as part of the cycle of life and growth
庆: Cultural games for group participation that anyone can participate, building group interaction
2022 Open Labs: Spring Celebration
Soundscapes for Strolling is a passive listening experience that takes place in the Pond Strolling Garden in the fall, Juliann and Graham of J&G use immersive Sound, Chant, and spoken Word to support Anderson Japanese Gardens in their mission of helping the region perseve through challenging times by providing a peaceful natural environment that can be enjoyed by all, through this passive musical experience that encourages a sense of calm contemplation for guests strolling throughout the garden.
The program runs from 3:00pm until the Garden closes at 5:00pm
2020 Soundscapes for Strolling: A Passive Listening Experience
Juliann Wang transformed space for Artist Intervention of Hyde Park Art Center’s 80 years Birthday Gala. Using Japanese tea practice (ceremony), based on the principles of harmony, respect, purity, and tranquility as a core bridge that links each individual, through every movement. Preparing the bowl of tea to connect with each participant, transports us to a moment of connection with nature, each other, and ourselves. During the event, each participant was served with tea and a sweet.
Every Moment Is A Ritual runs from 8:30pm - 10:30pm